
1. Green plants use ____ to make their food and release ___

(a) Oxygen, helium
(b) Carbon dioxide, hydrogen
(c) Helium, hydrogen
(d) Carbon dioxide, oxygen

2. The air pressure is highest at
(a) Plain level
(b) Plateau level
(c) Sea level
(d) Mountain level

3. As we ___ the layers of atmosphere, the pressure ___
(a) go up, rise
(b) go down, falls
(c) go down, does not change
(d) go up, falls

4. Our earth is surrounded by a huge blanket of
(a) Sand
(b) Air
(c) Plants
(d) Water

5. ____ is this hour-to-hour, day to day condition of the atmosphere
(a) Wind
(b) Weather
(c) Season
(d) Climate

6. Which is the second most plentiful gas in the air
(a) Nitrogen
(b) Argon
(c) Oxygen
(d) Hydrogen

7. Carbon dioxide released in the atmosphere creates a
(a) Green house effect
(b) Carbon effect
(c) Earth effect
(d) Dioxide effect

8. Meteorites burn up in this layer on entering from the space
(a) Thermosphere
(b) Mesosphere
(c) Troposphere
(d) Stratosphere

9. The ___ winds blow constantly throughout the year in a particular direction.
(a) Directional
(b) Local
(c) Permanent
(d) Seasonal

10. On the Celsius scale the water freezes at ___ and boils at ___
(a) 32ΒΊC, 232ΒΊC
(b) 10ΒΊC, 90ΒΊC
(c) 100ΒΊC, 0ΒΊC
(d) 0ΒΊC, 100ΒΊC

11. Cold air is ____ than hot air
(a) Small and heavy
(b) Less denser and light
(c) Denser and heavy
(d) Small and light

12. Which layer is almost free from clouds
(a) Troposphere
(b) Mesosphere
(c) Stratosphere
(d) Thermosphere

13. When water evaporates from land and different water bodies, it becomes
(a) Ice
(b) Snow
(c) Rain
(d) Water Vapour

14. The degree of hotness and coldness of the air is known as
(a) Weather
(b) Temperature
(c) Climate
(d) Season

15. The standard unit of measuring temperature is 
(a) Fahrenheit
(b) Meter
(c) Kelvin
(d) Celsius

16. Which of the following is not the types of rainfall
(a) Orographic rainfall
(b) Cyclonic rainfall
(c) Convectional rainfall
(d) Seasonal rainfall

17. Jet planes flying in the sky leave a ____ trail behind them
(a) Black
(b) Blue
(c) White
(d) Grey

18. Green House gas is
(a) Nitrogen
(b) Oxygen
(c) Ethane
(d) Carbon dioxide

19.  ___ Pressure is associated with cloudy skies and wet weather and __ pressure is associated with clear and sunny skies.
(a) Low, Normal
(b) Normal, High
(c) Low, High
(d) High, also High

20. What is released in the air from the burning of fuels?
(a) Carbon di oxide
(b) Helium
(c) Nitrogen
(d) Argon
