Economics Chapter 1


Question 1.
‘Bigha’ and ‘Guintha’ are
(a) the type of village house
(b) the type of hybrid seeds
(c) the measuring units of grain
(d) the measuring units of land area in village

Question 2.
Finance raised to operate a business is called
(a) labour
(b) enterprise
(c) land
(d) capital

Question 3.
Minimum wages for a farm labourer set by the government is
(a) ₹80
(b) ₹90
(c) ₹115
(d) ₹120

Question 4.
The Green Revolution introduced the farmers to
(a) cultivation of wheat and rice
(b) cultivation of green vegetables
(c) cultivation of sugar cane
(d) cultivation of forests

Question 5.
The small farmers constitute about _________ per cent of total farmers in India.
(a) 50
(b) 60
(c) 70
(d) 80

Question 6.
The new ways of farming need
(a) less land
(b) more capital
(c) machinery
(d) all of the above

Question 7.
The most abundant factor of production is
(a) labour
(b) land
(c) machinery
(d) all of the above

Question 8.
Multiple Cropping refers to :
(a) Cultivation of wheat and rice
(b) cultivation of two crops in alternate rows
(c) cultivating more than one crop on the same field each year
(d) cultivating crops and rearing animals on the same farm

Question 9.
Working capital stands for :
(a) Tools, machines and buildings
(b) raw materials and money in hand
(c) total share capital
(d) fixed deposits in financial institutions

Question 10.
Which one of the following is not an effect of the modern farming?
(a) Soil degradation
(b) Deforestation
(c) Decrease in groundwater
(d) Water pollution

Question 11.
How many families lives in Village Palampur?
(a) 150
(b) 250
(c) 350
(d) 450

Question 12.
Where do most of the small farmers borrow money to arrange for the capital in Palampur?
(a) Banks
(b) Co-operative Societies
(c) Village money lenders
(d) Friends and relatives

Question 13.
‘Operation Flood’ is related to :
(a) control flood
(b) produce fish
(c) milk production
(d) grain production

Question 14.
Consumption of chemical fertilisers is highest in which state of India?
(a) Punjab
(b) Haryana
(c) Rajasthan
(d) Himachal Pardesh

Question 15.
Scope of farming activity is limited in Palampur due to
(a) Fixed amount of land
(b) lack of irrigation
(c) lack of labour
(d) none of the above

Question 16.
Who is a person who puts together land, labour and capital?
(a) Moneylender
(b) Entrepreneur
(c) Zamindar
(d) Manager

Question 17.
High Yielding Variety (HYV) seeds are developed in
(a) Research institutes
(b) Factories
(c) Krishak Bharati Cooperatives
(d) None of the above

Question 18.
Which Kharif crop is used for cattle feed?
(a) Sugarcane
(b) Potato
(c) Jowar and bajra
(d) Wheat

Question 19.
Which of the following is a modern farming method?
(a) Multiple cropping
(b) Use of HYV seeds
(c) Use of chemical fertilisers
(d) Both (b) and (c)

Question 20.
Which area in India has a low level of irrigation?
(a) Deccan plateau
(b) Coastal regions
(c) Riverine plains
(d) Both (a) and (b)

Question 21.
Multiple cropping means growing
(a) only two crops
(b) only three crops
(c) upto four crops
(d) more than one crop

Question 22.
HYV seeds stands for
(a) Heavy yielding variety seeds
(b) High yielding variety seeds
(c) Half yielding variety seeds
(d) None

Question 23.
The minimum wages for a farm labourer set by the government is
(a) Rs. 50
(b) Rs. 60
(c) Rs. 70
(d) Rs. 80

Question 24.
Which of the following is fixed capital?
(a) Tools and machines
(b) Fertilisers and pesticides
(c) Soil
(d) Seeds

Question 25.
Which of the following is grown in the rainy season?
(a) Jowar and bajra
(b) Wheat
(c) Soyabean
(d) Rice

Fill in the Blanks

Among the three factors of production, we found that labour is the most abundant factor of production. There are many people who are willing to work as farm labourers in the villages, whereas the opportunities of work are limited. They belong to either landless families or

1. ______ They are paid low wages, and lead a difficult life In contrast to labour
2. ______ is a scarce factor of production. Cultivated land area is
3. ______ Moreover, even the existing land is distributed.
4. ______ among the people engaged in farming there are a large number of small farmers who cultivate small plots of land and live in conditions not much better than the landless farm labourer. To make the maximum use of the existing land, farmers use
5. ______ and
6. ______ Both these have led to increase in production of crops. Modem farming methods require a great deal of
7. ______ Small farmers usually need to borrow money to arrange for the capital, and are put to great distress to repay the loan. Therefore, capital too is a scarce factor of production, particularly for the small farmers. Though both land and capital are scarce, there is a basic difference between the two factors of production.
8. ______ is a natural resource, whereas.
9. ______ is man-made. It is possible to increase capital, whereas land is fixed. Therefore, it is very important that we take good care of land and other natural resources used in farming.

1.Which of the following is grown in the rainy season?

(a) Jowar and bajra              (b) Wheat                       

 (c) Soyabean                    (d) Rice

Q.2. Which of the following is a Rabi crop?

(a) Wheat                                        (b) Rice                           

(c) Cotton                         (d) Jowar and bajra

Q.3. Which of the following is fixed capital?

(a) Tools and machines                 (b) Fertilisers and pesticides      

(c) Soil                (d) Seeds

Q.4. Which of the following is a standard unit of measurement of land?

(a) Bigha                                          (b) Hectare                       

(c) Acre                             (d) Guintha

Q.5.      The minimum wages for a farm labourer set by the government is

(a) Rs. 50                                         (b) Rs. 60                          

(c) Rs. 70                           (d) Rs. 80

Q.6.      Money in hand is an example of

(a) Human capital                          (b) Fixed capital             

 (c) Working capital         (d) Physical capital

Q.7. HYV seeds stands for

(a) Heavy yielding variety seeds (b) High yielding variety seeds    

(c) Half yielding variety seeds   (d) None

Q.8. What is the main production activity in Palampur village?

(a) Farming                                     (b) Animal husbandry   

 (c) Transport                    (d) Small-scale manufacturing

Q.9. Multiple cropping means growing

(a) only two crops                         (b) only three crops        

(c) upto four crops          (d) more than one crop

Q.10. Land under cultivation (in million hectares) in India in the year 2000 was

(a) 120                                (b) 130                              

(c) 140                               (d) 150

Q.11. Which area in India has a low level of irrigation?

(a) Deccan plateau                        (b) Coastal regions         

(c) Riverine plains           (d) Both (a) and (b)

Q.12. Modern farming methods were tried in India for the first time in

(a) Punjab (                                     b) Western U.P.             

 (c) Haryana                      (d) All the above

Q.13. Which of the following is a modern farming method?

(a) Multiple cropping                    (b) Use of HYV seeds      

(c) Use of chemical fertilisers      (d) Both (b) and (c)

Q.14.  Production of pulses (in million tonnes) in India during 2000-01 was

(a) 10                                               (b) 11                                

(c) 14                                 (d) 12

Q.15.  Which one is a natural resource?

(a) Labour                                       (b) Raw materials          

 (c) Mineral                       (d) None of the above

Q.16. High yielding variety seeds (HYV) were introduced to Indian farmers as a result of

(a) White Revolution                    (b) Green Revolution    

 (c) IT Revolution              (d) None of the above

Q.17. Which Kharif crop is used for cattle feed?

(a) Sugarcane                                 (b) Potato                        

 (c) Jowar and bajra         (d) Wheat

Q.18. The activities such as small manufacturing, transport, shopkeeping are referred to as

(a) Non-economic activities                                     (b) Non-farming activities

(c) Non-traditional activities                                    (d) Non-market activities

Q.19. High Yielding Variety (HYV) seeds are developed in

(a) Research institutes   (b) Factories                     

(c) Krishak Bharati Cooperatives               (d) None of the above

Q.20. The concept of White Revolution is associated with

(a) food crops                  (b) milk                             

(c) cotton                                                      (d) pesticides

Q.21. Who is a person who puts together land, labour and capital?

(a) Moneylender             (b) Entrepreneur             

(c) Zamindar                                                 (d) Manager

Q.22. A farmer who works on a piece of 1 hectare of land is treated as

(a) Medium farmer         (b) small farmer               

(c) large farmer                                           (d) none of the above

Q.23Scope of farming activity is limited in Palampur due to

(a) Fixed amount of land                            (b) lack of irrigation        

(c) lack of labour             (d) none of the above

Q.24. What is done to surplus wheat in Palampur?

(a) Sold in the market    (b) Destroyed                  

(c) Stocked by self                         (d) Given in charity

Q.25. Consumption of chemical fertilisers is highest in which state of India?

(a) Punjab (b) Haryana (c) Rajasthan (d) Himachal Pardesh

Q.26. People of Palampur sell milk in the near by large village named:

(a) Pitampura                                 (b) Siliguri                                       

(c) Shahpur                                     (d) Raiganj

Q.27. Out of the total cultivated areas in the country, how much area is irrigated today :

(a) less than 40%                           (b) less than 30%                           

(c) less than 60%             (d) less than 70%

Q.28. ‘Operation Flood’ is related to :

(a) control flood                            (b) produce fish                            

 (c) milk production         (d) grain production

Q.29. Green Revolution is related to :

(a) Milk Production              &nbsnbsp;        (b) Grain production                     

(c) Fish production         (d) none of these

Q.30. Where do most of the small farmers borrow money to arrange for the capital in Palampur?

(a) Banks                          (b) Co-operative Societies           

(c) Village money lenders             (d) Friends and relatives

Q.31. Which one among the following is not fixed capital?

(a) Machines                    (b) Buildings                                   

(c) Tools                                          (d) Raw materials

Q.32. Why do the farmers of Palampur follow multiple cropping? Choose the correct answer.

(a)          Because the water consumption is less in this method

(b)         Because this method consumes less chemical fertilisers

(c)          Because this method doesn’t require fertile soils

(d)         Because this method is the most common way of increasing production

Q.33. Which of the following transformed the system of irrigation in Palampur?

(a) Tubewells                   (b) Persian wheel                         

 (c) Rainwater harvesting              (d) None of these

Q.34.  How many families lives in Village Palampur?

(a) 150                                             (b) 250                              

(c) 350                                             (d) 450

Q.35.  Which one among the following is a non-farm activity?

(a) Multiple croppping                 (b) Crop rotation              

(c) Dairy farming                          (d) Modern farming

Q.36. Which one of the following is not an effect of the modern farming?

(a) Soil degradation                      (b) Deforestation            

(c) Decrease in groundwater       (d) Water pollution

Q.37. Marginal farmers are those :

(a) who use modern methods for farming                           

(b) who practice crop rotation for farming

(c) who did not have sufficient land for farming                

(d) who use modern methods of irrigation

Q.38. Working capital stands for :

(a) Tools, machines and buildings                                         

(b) raw materials and money in hand

(c) total share capital                                                              

 (d) fixed deposits in financial institutions

Q.39. Which is the most abundant factor of production in India?

(a) Land                                           (b) Capital                       

 (c) Labour                                       (d) Tools and machines

Q.40. Multiple Cropping refers to :

(a) Cultivation of wheat and rice                                                          

(b) cultivation of two crops in alternate rows

(c) cultivating more than one crop on the same field each year    

(d) cultivating crops and rearing animals on the same farm

Question 1.
The standard unit of measuring land is:
(a) bigha
(b) guintha
(c) hectare
(d) kilometre

Question 2.
Palampur resembles a village of the western part of the state of:
(a) Gujarat
(b) Rajasthan
(c) Maharashtra
(d) Uttar Pradesh

Question 3.
During the rainy season, farmers in Palampur grow:
(a) wheat and barley
(b) wheat and rice
(c) wheat and bajra
(d) jowar and bajra

Question 4.
During the winter season, farmers in Palampur grow:
(a) rice
(b) jowar
(c) bajra
(d) wheat

Question 5.
The raw form of jaggery is:
(a) sugar
(b) honey
(c) beat root
(d) sugarcane

Question 6.
To grow more than one crop in a piece of land during the year is known as:
(a) crop rotation
(b) cultivation
(c) single cropping
(d) multiple cropping

Question 7.
All farmers in Palampur grow atleast two main crops may are growing:
(a) sugarcane as the third crop
(b) rice as the third crop
(c) potatoes as the third crop
(d) onion as the third crop

Question 8.
Yield is measured as crop produced on a given piece of land during:
(a) two seasons
(b) three seasons
(c) a single season
(d) all the above

Question 9.
The Green Revoluti jn in the late 1960s introduced the Indian farmer to cultivation of:
(a) wheat and jowar
(b) jowar and barley
(c) wheat and sugarnae
(d) wheat and rice

Question 10.
The states that were the first to try out modern farming methods are:
(a) Punjab, Haryana and Western Uttar Pradesh
(b) Punjab, Haryana and Eastern Utter Pradesh
(c) Punjab, Haryana and West Bengal
(d) Orissa, West Bengal and Gujarat

Question 11.
The minimum wages for a farm labourer set by the government is Rs:
(a) Rs. 50 per day
(b) Rs. 60 per day
(c) Rs. 70 per day
(d) Rs. 80 per day

Question 12.
People in Palampur feed t ieir buffaloes on various kinds of grass and the jowar and bajra that grows during the:
(a) summer season
(c) rainy season
(d) none of the above

Question 13.
The traders of Palampur are shopkeepers who buy various goods from:
(a) retailers and sell them in the village
(b) wholesale markets in the village and sell them in the cities
(c) wholesale markets in the cities and sell them in the villages
(d) none of the above

Question 14.
What is the main activity in Palampur?
(a) manufacturing
(b) dairy
(c) farming
(d) none of the above

Question 15.
The village of Palampur has about families belonging to several different castes.
(a) 450
(b) 550
(c) 650
(d) 750

Question 16.
The majority of land in the village is owned by:
(a) lower caste families
(b) upper caste families
(c) landlords
(d) all the above

Question 17.
The SC’s population in the village comprises of:
(a) half
(b) two-thirds
(c) one-third
(d) none of the above

Question 18.
Most of the homes have:
(a) tubewells
(b) wells
(c) electric connections
(d) all the above

Question 19.
Palampur has primary schools and one high school.
(a) two
(b) three
(c) four
(d) five

Question 20.
Palampur has fairly well- developed system of:
(a) roads
(b) transport
(c) irrigation
(d) all the above

Question 21.
The aim of production is:
(a) to produce the goods and service that we want
(b) to produce the goods that we do not want.
(c) to produce the services only
(d) none of the above

Question 22.
Tools, machines and buildings can be used to production over many years, are called:
(a) physical capital
(b) secondary capital
(c) fixed capital
(d) all the above

Question 23.
Raw materials and money in hand are called:
(a) fixed capital
(b) primary capital
(c) working capital
(d) all the above

Question 24.
The factor’s of production includes:
(a) land and labour
(b) physical capital
(c) human capital
(d) all the above

Question 25.
In Palampur, the percentge of people who are working and dependant on farming for their livelihood is:
(a) 75
(b) 80
(c) 60
(d) 65

Write true (T) or false (F)

1. The story of Palampur is an imaginary village.

2. The aim of production is to produce goods only.

3. The first requirement for products is land and other natural resources such as water, forests, minerals, etc.

4. Some production activities require highly educated workers to perform the necessary tasks.

5. Fixed capital refers to a variety of inputs required at every stage during production.

6. Tools, machines, building can be used in production over many years and are called primary capital.

7. Raw materials and money in hand are called working capital.

8. Every production is organised by combining land, labour, physical capital and human capital, which are known as factors of production.

9. About 60 per cent of the people in Palampur, who are working are dependent on farming for over livelihoods.

10. Land area under cultivation is practically not fixed.

11. The standard unit of measuring land is bigha.

12. In the kind of crops grown and facilities available, Palampur would resemble a village of the western part of the state of Uttar Pradesh.

13. In the winter season fields are sown with wheat.

14. A part of the land area in Palampur is also devoted to sugarcane which is harvested once every year.

15. Sugarcane in raw form, or as jaggery, is sold to traders in Shahpur.

16. The main reason why farmers are able to grow three different crops in a year in Palampur is due to the well-developed system of irrigation.

17. The first few tubewells, in Palampur, were installed by the landlords.

18. By 1970s, the entire cultivated area of 200 hectares was irrigated.

19. To grow more than one crop on a piece of land during the year is known as crop rotation.

20. All farmers in Palampur grow atleast two main crops; many are growing sugarcane as the third crop in the past fifteen to twenty years.

21. One way of increasing production for the same land is by multiple cropping.

22. Yield is measured as crop produced on a given piece of land during a single season.

23. The Green Revolution in the late 1960s introduces the Indian farmer to cultivation of wheat and barley.

24. HYV seeds needed plenty of water and also chemical fertilizers and pesticides to produce best results.

25. Farmers of Punjab, Haryana and West Bengal revenue the first to try out the moderu farming method in India.

26. In Palampur, the yield of wheat grown from the traditional varieties was 1500 kg per hectare.

27. Modern farming methods require the farmer to start with more cash than before.

28. In many areas, Green Revolution is associated with loss of soil fertility due to increased use of chemical fertilizers.

29. In Palampur, there are 50 families of medium and large farmers who cultivate moye than 5 hectares of land.

30. Dairy is a common activity in many families of Palampur.

Match the following


Column AColumn B
1. Physical capital(a) tools, machines, building which can be used in production over many years.
2. Fixed capital(b) raw materials and money in hand.
3. Working capital(c) standard unit of measuring land.
4. Hectare(d) growing more than one crop one a piece of land during the year.
5. Multiple cropping(e) variety of inputs required at every state during production.


1. The village of Palampur has about 450 families belonging.(a) every stageA. different casts
2. The first required in production is land, and other natural(b) farming for themB. water, mineral etc
3. Physical capital is the variety of inputs required at(c) the year is knownC. livelihood
4. 75 per cent of the people in Palampur, are dependent on(d) resources such asD. as multiple cropping
5. To grow more than one crop on a piece of land during(e) to severalE. during productive

Fill in the blanks

1. The village of Palampur has about ……………. families belonging to several different castes.

2. The ……………. upper caste families own the majority of land in village Palampur.

3. The SC’s comprise ……………. of the population and live in the corner of the village.

4. The houses of SCs are much smaller and made up of mud and ……………. .

5. Electricity powers all the ……………. in the fields and is used in various types of small business.

6. Palampur has ……………. primary schools and one high school.

7. The aim of production is to ……………. the goods and services that we want.

8. The second requirement in production is ……………. .

9. The variety of inputs required at every stage during productions is called ……………. capital.

10. Tools, machines, building can be used in production over many years, and one called ……………. capital.

11. Raw materials and money in hand are called ……………. capital.

12. ……………. is the main production activity in Palampur.

13. During the rainy season farmers in Palampur, grow ……………. and bajra.

14. In the winter season fields are sown with ……………. .

15. To grow more than one crop on a piece of land during the year is known as ……………. cropping.

1. Which of the following is not fixed capital?
(a) Agricultural land
(b) Tubewell
(c) Fertilisers and pesticides
(d) Farm machinery
2. Which among the following states was first to try out the modern farming methods in India?
(a) Haryana
(b) Jharkhand
(c) Bihar
(d) Odisha
3. What percentage of total land area is cultivated by Medium and Large farmers? 
(a) 36 %
(b) 50 %
(c) 85 %
(d) 64 %
4. Which Kharif crop is used for cattle feed?
(a) Sugarcane
(b) Potato
(c) Jowar and bajra
(d) Wheat
5. The standard unit of measuring agricultural land is:
(a) Km2
(b) Bigha
(c) Guinea    
(d) Hectare
6. Which of the following crops is grown in Palampur during Kharif
(a) Rice
(b) Wheat
(c) Jowar   
(d) Sugarcane
7. Green Revolution is related to:
(a) Milk Production
(b) Grain production
(c) Fish production
(d) None of the above
8. 'Operation Flood' is related to :
(a) Control flood 
(b) Produce fish 
(c) Milk production 
(d) Grain production 
9. What was the concept of white revolution is associated with?
(a) food crops
(b) milk
(c) cotton
(d) pesticides
10. Which is the most abundant factor of production in India? 
(a) Land
(b) Capital
(c) Labour
(d) Tools and machines
11. Money in hand is an example of
(a) Human capital
(b) Fixed capital
(c) Working capital
(d) Physical capital
12. Which of the following statements is not true about small-scale manufacturing in villages?
(a) Farmers engage in it to supplement their income
(b) Farmers take help of their family members
(c) The production is done mostly at home
(d) Farmers produce articles for their own use
13. Which one is a natural resource?
(a) Labour
(b) Raw materials
(c) Mineral
(d) None of the above
14. Which of the following is a modern farming method?
(a) Multiple cropping
(b) Use of HYV seeds
(c) Use of chemical fertilisers
(d) Both (b) and (c)
15. Which product is sold by Mishri Lal traders in Shahapur
(a) Jaggery 
(b) Cotton Textile 
(c) Machine Tools 
(d) Fertilisers
16. HYV seeds stands for
(a) Heavy yielding variety seeds
(b) High yielding variety seeds
(c) Half yielding variety seeds
(d) None of the above
17. Scope of farming activity is limited in Palampur due to
(a) fixed amount of land
(b) lack of irrigation
(c) lack of labour
(d) none of the above
18. What is done to surplus wheat in Palampur?
(a) Sold in the market
(b) Destroyed
(c) Given in charity
(d) Stocked by self
19. High Yielding Variety (HYV) seeds are developed in
(a) Research institutes
(b) Factories
(c) Krishak Bharati Cooperatives
(d) None of the above
20. What is the source of capital for the large farmers?
(a) Banks and own savings           
(b) Money lenders and relatives           
(c) Banks and money lenders           
(d) Poor farmers
21. Which one of the following is a rabi crop?
(a) Cotton
(b) Millets
(c) Gram
(d) Rice
22. Which of the following terms is used for measuring the crop produced on a given piece of land during a single year?
(a) Yield
(b) Productivity
(c) Cultivation
(d) Output
23. 'Bigha' and 'Guintha' are:
(a) the type of village house
(b) the types of Hybrid seeds
(c) the measuring units of grain
(d) the measuring units of land area in village
24. Which of the following is grown in the rainy season?
(a) Jowar and Bajra    
(b) Wheat
(c) Soybean    
(d) All of the above
25. Where do most of the small farmers borrow money to arrange for the capital in Palampur?
(a) Banks
(b) Co-operative Societies
(c) Village money lenders
(d) Friends and relatives

Q1: Which one of the following inputs is not a working capital?
(a) Machines
(b) Raw-materials
(c) Money
(d) None of these

Q2: Which one of the following states was among the first to try out modern farming methods in India?
(a) Jharkhand
(b) Haryana
(c) Bihar
(d) Orissa

Q3: Which of the following is a fixed capital?
(a) Clay
(b) Yarn
(c) Tools
(d) Seeds

Q4: Which of the following is an example of working capital?
(a) Tools
(b) Machines
(c) Raw Materials
(d) Buildings

Q5: Which is the most abundant factor of production in India?
(a) Land
(b) Capital
(c) Labour
(d) Tools

Q6: Multiple Cropping refers to:
(a) Cultivation of wheat and rice
(b) Cultivation of two crops in alternative rows.
(c) Cultivating more than one crop on the same field each year.
(d) Cultivating crops and rearing animals on the same farm.

Q7: High yielding variety seeds (HYV) were introduced to Indian farmers as a result of
(a) White Revolution
(b) Green Revolution
(c) Orange Revolution
(d) Red Revolution

Q8: Jowar and Bajra are:
(a) Kharif crops
(b) Rabi crops
(c) Zaid crops
(d) All of these

Q9: Why do the farmers of Palampur follow multiple cropping? Choose the correct answer.
(a) Because the water consumption is less in this method
(b) Because this method consumes less chemical fertilisers
(c) Because this method doesn't require fertile soils
(d) Because this method is the most common way of increasing production

Q10: Which one among the following is a non-farm activity?
(a) Multiple cropping
(b) Crop rotation
(c) Dairy farming
(d) Modern farming

Q11: What is the main production activity in villages across India?

Q12: Name any two non-farming activities in Palampur village.

Q13: Modern farming methods require more inputs which are manufactured in industry. Do you agree?

Q14: What is the aim of production?

Q15: Name the four factors that are needed for producing goods and services. (1 mark)

Q16: Who owns the majority of land in Palampur village?

Q17: What health facilities are available in Palampur village?

Q18: What is the main aim of production?

Q19: Which if the following is the standard unit of measuring land?
(a) bigha
(b) guintha
(c) hectare
(d) quila

Q20: How did the spread of electricity help farmers in Palampur?

Q21: Is it important to increase the area under irrigation? Why?

Q22: What are the essential four requirements for production?  (3-5 marks)
Q22: Explain the four requirements of the production of goods & services.

Q23: Who are small farmers?

Q24: Who are medium farmers?

Q25: Who are large farmers?

Q26: What do medium and large farmers do with their earnings from the surplus farm produce?

Q27: What do you mean by multiple cropping?

Q28: Name the states who benefited the most from Green Revolution.

Q29: List the non-farming activities in Palampur.

Q30: Who are small farmers?

Q31: Who are medium farmers?

Q32: Who are large farmers?

Q33: Why do the farm labourers earn less than the minimum wages in Palampur?