Question 1.
In addition to income people want ………. for development.
(a) freedom
(b) security
(c) equal treatment
(d) All of these
Question 2.
According to the World Bank, High Income countries are those where per capita income is:
(a) 8,08,296 or more
(b) 5,35,500 or more
(c) between 35,500 and 4,35,500
(d) None of the above.
Question 3.
High Income countries are:
(a) USA, Japan
(b) UK, Denmark
(c) Germany, Singapore
(d) All of these
Question 4.
Medium income countries are:
(a) Sri Lanka, Brazil
(b) China, Argentina
(c) Iran
(d) All of these.
Question 5.
Low Income countries are:
(a) India, Kenya
(b) Pakistan, Bangladesh
(c) Nepal
(d) All of these.
Question 6.
What are the development goals/aspirations of landless rural labourers?
(a) More days of work and better wages
(b) Best school to provide quality education for their children
(c) There is no social discrimination and they too can become leaders in the village
(d) None of the above.
Question 7.
What are the goals/aspirations of prosperous farmers from Punjab ?
(a) Higher support prices for their crops
(b) Hard working and cheap labourers
(c) To settle their children abroad
(d) None of the above.
Question 8.
What can be the goals/aspirations of farmers who depend only on rain for growing crop?
(a) Sufficient rain at the proper time
(b) Rich farmers in the village to provide food grains if rain fails
(c) Government to come forward to help them
(d) None of the above.
Question 9.
Mention any two national development goals of India.
Question 10.
Which is the most important attribute for national development ?
Question 11.
What is the most important component for comparing different countries ?
Question 12.
Which criteria is used by the World Bank to classify different countries ?
Question 13.
Mention any two developmental goals of a landless rural labourer.
Question 14.
Mention any two developmental goals of a girl.
Question 15.
Mention any two developmental goals of people other than income.
Question 16.
Mention any two developmental goals of a rural woman.
Question 17.
Which organisation classifies countries as rich countries and low income countries ?
Question 18.
Which countries have been categorised as rich countries according to the World Development Report ?
Question 19.
Mention any two things which money cannot buy.
Question 20.
Which countries have been categorised as low income countries according to World Development Report 2016 ?
Question 21.
Under which category India has been placed by the World Bank Development Report.
Question 22.
What is Literacy Rate ?
Question 23.
What is Gross Enrolment Ratio ?
Question 24.
Which Indian state has the lowest Infant Mortality Rate ?
Question 25.
What are the three components of Human Development Index ?
Question 26.
What is India’s rank according to 2015 HDI ?
Question 27.
What is life expectancy in India ?
Question 28.
Mention any two parameters where Sri Lanka has scored over India in HDI.
Question 29.
Define life expectancy.
Question 30.
Name the region of world which has large crude oil reserves.
QI. Which is the most common method of measuring economic development?
A. Profit loss
B. Income
C. Sales
D. Import-export
Q2. What are the developmental goals of landless rural labourers?
A. More days of work and better wages
B. Acquirement of land for self tilling
C. More hours of work
D. Self-reliance
Q3.What brings about stable income?
A. Better wages
B. Work opportunities
C. Regular work
D. decent price for their crops or other products
Q4. Besides seeking more income, there is something people resent, what is it?
A. Getting fewer wages for more work
B. Discrimination
C. No work
D. Poverty
Q5. What is the one factor on which our life depends?
A. employment
B. Security of work
C. Money, or material things that one can buy with it
D. Freedom
Q6. If women are engaged in paid work, what difference does it make?
A. Their dignity in the household and society decreases
B. No difference
C. No dignity
D. their dignity in the household and society increases
Q7. Different persons could have ……….notions of a country’s development.
A. different as well as conflicting
B. Same
C. Indifferent
D. No
Q8. What is considered to be one of the most important attributes when we compare countries at the level of development?
A. Industrial development
B. Resources of the country
C. Income
D. Import-export
Q9. More income means …………..
A. Average out of needs of people
B. more of all things that human beings need.
C. No effect on the common man
D. More business
Q10. …………….. is the total income of the country divided by its total population?
A. per capita income
B. Gross income
C. Net income
D. Total income
Q11. In World Development Reports, brought out by the World Bank, which criterion is used in classifying countries?
A. Total income
B. Gross income
C. per capita income
D. Net income
Q12. Which of the following neighbouring countries has better performance in terms of human development than India?
A. Bangladesh
B. Sri Lanka
C. Nepal
D. Pakistan
Q13. Countries with per capita income of US$ ………... per annum and above in 2017, are called rich countries?
A. 12,126
B. 11246
C. 12056
D. 10056
Q14. Countries with per capita income of US$ ____ or less are called low-income countries.
A. 995
B. 885
C. 955
D. 855
Q15. Which category does India come under?
A. High-income countries
B. Low middle-income countries
C. Low-income countries
D. High middle-income countries
Q16. What was India’s per capita income in 2017?
A. US$ 1950 per annum
B. US$ 1880 per annum
C. US$ 1930 per annum
D. US$ 1820 per annum.
Q17. What can money not buy you?
A. Unadulterated medicines
B. Water
C. Pollution-free environment
D. Organic food
Q18. Why does Kerala have a low Infant Mortality Rate?
A. adequate provision of basic health and educational facilities
B. Suitable climate
C. Pollution Free environment
D. Good water
Q19. Over the past decade or so, …………...indicators have come to be widely used along with income as a measure of development?
A. Health and nutrition
B. health and education
C. Child development
D. Human development
Q20. According to the Human Development Report, 2018, United Nations Development Programme which two countries have a higher Life expectancy at Birth rate than India?
A. Srilanka and Myanmar
B. Pakistan and Nepal
C. Pakistan and Bangladesh
D. Nepal and Bangladesh
Q21. Per Capita Income is calculated in ………. for all countries?
A. Pounds
B. Euros
C. Dollars
D. Rupees
Q22. About ……….. districts have reported a water level decline of over 4 meters during the past 20 years?
A. 300
B. 500
C. 450
D. 350
Q23. Nearly ………..of the country is overusing their groundwater reserves?
A. Two-third
B. One-third
C. Half
D. One fourth
Q24. Where is groundwater overuse particularly found?
A. Assam
B. Shillong
C. Punjab
D. Karnataka
Q25. Groundwater is an example of …………..resources?
A. Renewable
B. Non-renewable
C. Protected
DA. Reserve
Q26. Since the second half of the twentieth century, a number of scientists have been warning that…………
A. Health and nutrition is declining
B. per capita income is unstable
C. Levels of resources are not sustainable
D. levels of development are not sustainable.
Q27. How can we find out if we are properly nourished?
A. Through good weight and scale
B. Body Mass Index
C. Nutrient table
D. Height and weight table
Q28. The literacy rate for the rural population of males in Uttar Pradesh is………
A. 73%
B. 70%
C. 76%
D. 78%
Q29. In the comparative data on Haryana, Kerala, and Uttar Pradesh which state has the highest literacy rate?
A. Haryana
B. Kerala
D. All are equal
Q30. In the data for the Per capita income of Haryana, Kerala, Bihar-which state has the lowest per capita income?
A. Haryana
B. Kerala
C. Bihar
D. All equal
1. Which among the following are examples of ‘Coming together federations’?
(a) India, Spain and Belgium
(b) India, USA and Spain
(c) USA, Switzerland and Australia
(d) Belgium and Sri Lanka
2. The Union List includes subjects such as:
(a) Education, forests, trade unions, marriages, adoption and succession.
(b) Police, trade, commerce, agriculture and irrigation.
(c) Residuary subjects like computer software.
(d) Defence, foreign affairs, banking, currency, communications.
3. The system of Panchayati Raj involves:
(a) Village, State and Union levels
(b) Village, District and State levels
(c) Village and State levels
(d) Village, Block and District levels
4. Which one of the following States in India has its own Constitution?
(a) Uttarakhand
(b) Madhya Pradesh
(c) J & K
(d) Nagaland
5. Which of the following countries is an example of “coming together federation”?
(a) U.S.A
(b) India
(c) Spain
(d) Belgium
6. Here are three reactions to the language policy followed in India. Which of the following holds true in the case of India?
(a) The policy of accommodation has strengthened national unity.
(b) Language based states have divided us by making everyone conscious of their language.
(c) The language policy has only helped to consolidate the dominance of English over all other languages.
7. Consider the following statements on the practice of federalism in India. Identify those which hold true for decentralisation after 1992.
A. Local governments did not have any power or resources of their own.
B. It became constitutionally mandatory to hold regular elections to local government bodies.
C. The state governments are required to share some powers and revenue with local government bodies.
D. No seats are reserved in the elected bodies for scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and other backward classes.
(a) B and C
(b) A and C
(c) A and D
(d) B and D
8. In a ‘Holding together federation’:
A. A large country divides its power between constituent states and the national government.
B. The Central government tends to be more powerful vis-a-vis the States.
C. All the constituent states usually have equal powers.
D. Constituent states have unequal powers.
Which of the above statements are correct?
(a) A, B, C and D
(b) A and D
(c) B and C
(d) A, B and D
Fill in the Blanks
1. The ………… Government alone can make laws relating to the subjects mentioned in the Union List
2. The Union Government has the power to legislate on ………… subjects which do not fall in any of the three lists.
3. The ………… plays an important role in overseeing the implementation of constitutional provisions and procedures.
4. If there is a conflict in the laws made in the concurrent list, the law made by the ………… Government will prevail.
5. A third tier of government is called ………… government.
6. When power is taken away from Central and State governments and given to local government, it is called …………
7. ………… are the local governing bodies in the villages and ………… in urban areas.
8. The political head of a Municipal Corporation is called the ………… .
Question 1.
Tamil natives of Sri Lanka are called the
(a) Indian Tamils
(b) Muslim Tamils
(c) Sri Lankan Tamils
(d) Christian Tamils
Question 2.
The term Eelam stands for
(a) government
(b) state
(c) country
(d) political party
Question 3.
Division of powers between higher and lower levels of government is called
(a) horizontal division
(b) parallel division
(c) vertical division
(d) none of the above
Question 4.
Which two languages are generally spoken in Belgium?
(a) French and English
(b) Dutch and Sinhala
(c) French and Sinhala
(d) Dutch and French.
Question 5.
Brussels is the capital of
(a) Belgium
(b) the Netherland
(c) Sri Lanka
(d) West Indies
Question 6.
A system of ‘checks and balances’ is another name for which one of the following power-sharing arrangements:
(a) Power sharing among different social groups.
(b) Vertical division of power or power shared among different levels of government.
(c) Horizontal division of power or power shared among different organs of the government.
(d) Power sharing in the form of political parties, pressure groups and governments.
Question 7.
In dealing with power sharing, which one of the following statements is NOT correct about democracy?
(a) People are the source of all political power. !
(b) In a democracy, people rule themselves j through institutions of self-governance.
(c) In a democracy, due respect is given to diverse groups and views that exist in a society.
(d) In a democracy, if the power to decide is dispersed, it is not possible to take quick decisions and enforce them.
Question 8.
System of ‘checks and balances’ means:
(a) Horizontal distribution of powers.
(b) Separation of powers.
(c) Put a check on the exercise of unlimited powers of the organs of government by maintaining a balance of power among various institutions.
(d) Federal division of powers
Question 9.
Power sharing is:
(a) the very spirit of democracy
(b) separation of powers at different levels.
(c) system of checks and balances.
(d) a type of balancing powers.
Question 10.
Who elects the community government in Belgium?
(a) People belonging to one language community only.
(b) By the leader of Belgium.
(c) The citizens of the whole country.
(d) The community leaders of Belgium.
Question 11.
In which year Sri Lanka emerged as an independent country?
(a) 1947
(b) 1948
(c) 1949
(d) 1950
Question 12.
Which is the state religion of Sri Lanka?
(a) Buddhism
(b) Hinduism
(c) Islam
(d) Christianity
Question 13.
Which major social group constituted the largest share in population of Sri Lanka?
(a) Sinhalas
(b) Sri Lankan Tamils
(c) Indian Tamils
(d) Muslims
Question 14.
Which language is spoken by the majority of Belgians?
(a) German
(b) French
(c) Dutch
(d) English
Question 15.
Which religion is followed by Sinhala speaking people?
(a) Hindus
(b) Muslims
(c) Buddhists
(d) None of these
Question 16.
Which language was declared as the only official language of Sri Lanka by an Act passed in 1956?
(a) Tamil
(b) Sinhala
(c) Hindi
(d) English
Question 17.
Which of the following is not one of the three organs of government powers are shared?
(a) Legislature
(b) Bureaucracy
(c) Executive
(d) Judiciary
Question 18.
Which of the following is not one of the aspects of federal division of powers?
(a) Sharing of powers among central provincial and local governments
(b) Division of powers involving higher and lower levels of government
(c) The Constitution clearly lays down powers of different levels of government
(d) There is no vertical division of powers
Question 19.
What led to non-sharing of power?
(a) Peace among all the communities
(b) The tyranny of the majority and oppression of minority
(c) Negation of the very spirit of democracy
(d) Both (b) and (c)
Question 20.
How many times was the Constitution of Belgium amended between 1970 and 1993?
(a) Two times
(b) Three times
(c) Five times
(d) Four times
Picture-based Questions:
Look at the given cartoon taken from the NCERT Textbook Page 8 and answer the question that follow:
In 2005, some new laws were made in Russia giving more powers to its President. During the same time the US President visited Russia. What, according to this cartoon, is the relationship between democracy and concentration of power? Can you think of some other examples to illustrate the point being made here?
Q1. Belgium Shares borders with France, the Netherlands, Germany and ……?
- A. England
B. Norway
C. Luxembourg
D. Italy
Q2. In the capital city Brussels, 80 percent people speak………?
- A. French
B. Dutch
C. German
D. English
Q3. 20 % of the people of Brussels Speak………?
- A. Dutch
B. English
C. German
D. Italian
Q4. Brussels presented a special problem:What was it?
- A. Dutch-speaking people constituted a minority in the country, but a majority in the capital
B. Dutch-speaking people constituted a majority in the country, but a minority in the capital
C. Other foriehn languages were seeping in
D. English was becoming dominant
Q5. What percentage of Srilankan Population is Tamil Speaking?
- A. 50%
B. 20%
C. 18%
D. 16%
Q6. The people whose forefathers came from India to Srilanka as plantation workers during the colonial period are called…….
- A. Sri Lankan Tamils
B. Indian Tamils
C. Tamil Indians
D. Indian Sri Lankans
Q7. Most of the Sinhalese Speaking people in Srilanka are…………?
- A. Hindus
B. Christians
C. Muslims
D. Buddhists
Q8. When did Sri Lanka emerge as an independent country?
- A. 1949
B. 1950
C. 1948
D. 1951
Q9. In ……….an Act was passed to recognise Sinhalese as the only official language, thus disregarding Tamil. The governments followed preferential policies that favoured Sinhalese applicants for university positions and government jobs?
- A. 1956
B. 1957
C. 1958
D. 1959
Q10. All these government measures, coming one after the other, gradually increased the ………...among the Sri Lankan Tamils?
- A. Protests
B. Favouritism
C. Feeling of alienation
D. Subordination
Q11. By the 1980s several political organisations were formed demanding ……..?
- A. Certain rights
B. Independent Tamil Eelam (state)
C. Sovereign State
D. Priority in Jobs for Tamils
Q12. When did the Civil War of Sri Lanka end?
- A. 2010
B. 2009
C. 2005
D. 2011
Q13. How many times was the constitution of Belgium amended between 1970 and 1993?
- A. Three times
B. Two times
C. Four times
D. Once
Q14. The Constitution of Belgium prescribes that the number of Dutch and French-speaking ministers ……….. in the central government?
- A. Shall be equal
B. Dutch speaking shall be more
C. French speaking will be more
D. None of the above
Q15. The ‘community government’ is elected by people belonging to one language community – Dutch, French and German-speaking. What powers does it hold?
- A. Cultural, educational and language-related issues.
B. Political issues
C. Defence related issues
D. All of the above
Q16. Give reason as to why power sharing can be good for a country?
- A. it helps to reduce the possibility of conflict between social groups
B. is a good way to ensure the stability of political order
C. It does not lead to confusion in managing the state
D. A & B
Q17. Give one moral reason as why power sharing is good?
- A. it helps to reduce the possibility of conflict between social groups
B. It does not lead to confusion in managing the state
C. People have a right to be consulted on how they are to be governed.
D. power sharing is a good way to ensure the stability of political order
Q18. The idea of power-sharing has emerged in opposition to …….?
- A. Democracy
B. Dictatorship
C. Monarchy
D. Undivided political power under one sect
Q19. Give an example of horizontal distribution of power?
- A. governments at the provincial or regional level.
B. legislature, executive and judiciary
C. among different social groups
D. political parties, pressure groups and movements
Q20. Which is a federal division of power?
- A. governments at the provincial or regional level.
B. legislature, executive and judiciary
C. among different social groups
D. political parties, pressure groups and movements
Q21. Where power is shared among different organs of government, such as the legislature, executive and judiciary, what is the functioning of this system called?
- A. Horizontal system
B. system of checks and balances
C. System of shared duties
D. System of limited power
Q22. Consider the following statements about power sharing arrangements in Belgium and Sri Lanka.
1. In Belgium, the Dutch-speaking majority people tried to impose their domination on the minority French-speaking community.
2. In Sri Lanka, the policies of the government sought to ensure the dominance of the Sinhala-speaking majority.
3. The Tamils in Sri Lanka demanded a federal arrangement of power sharing to protect their culture, language and equality of opportunity in education and jobs.
4. The transformation of Belgium from unitary government to a federal one prevented a possible division of the country on linguistic lines
Which of the statements is correct?
- A. All of the above
B. 1, 2 and 4
C. 3 and 4
D. 2, 3 and 4
Q23. In Sri lanka, there are about….. percent Christians, who are both Tamil and Sinhala?
- A. 10
B. 15
C. 7
D. 12
Q24. In Srilanka the democratically elected government adopted a series of ……….. measures to establish Sinhala supremacy?
- A. Extreme
B. Democratic
C. Political
D. Majoritarian
Q25. In Srilanka, a new constitution stipulated that the state shall protect and foster ………...Tamil Indians
- A. Hindu
B. Buddhist
C. Christain
D. Islam
Q26. In Belgium……
- A. The state governments are not subordinate to the Central Government
B. The state governments are subordinate to the Central Government
C. The state governments have no say before the central govt
D. The state govt can contradict the Central government
Q27. When many countries of Europe came together to form the European Union, ………. was chosen as the headquarter?
- A. Paris
B. Brussels
C. Rome
D. London
Q28. Name one prudential reason for power sharing?
- A. Power sharing is the very spirit of democracy.
B. People have a right to be consulted on how they are to be governed.
C. Citizens, through participation, acquire a stake in the system
D. Power sharing is good because it helps to reduce the possibility of conflict between social groups
Q29. Different arguments are usually put forth in favour of and against power sharing. Identify those which are in favour of power sharing and select the answer using the codes given below? Power sharing:
1. reduces conflict among different communities
2. decreases the possibility of arbitrariness
3. delays decision making process
4. accommodates diversities
5. increases instability and divisiveness
6. promotes people’s participation in government
7. undermines the unity of a country
- A. 1, 2, 4, 6
B. 1, 3, 5, 6
C. 1, 2, 4, 7
D. 2, 3, 4, 7
Q30. Consider the following two statements on power sharing and select the answer using the codes given below:
1. Power sharing is good for democracy.
2. It helps to reduce the possibility of conflict between social groups.
Which of these statements are true and false?
- A. 1 is true but 2 is false
B. Both 1 and 2 are true
C. Both 1 and 2 are false
D. 1 is false but 2 is true