

Questions With This Back Ground Are Important(Given in Exam[Google Forms])

Question 1.
The leader of the Bolshevik party was
(a) Stalin
(b) Lenin
(c) Karl Marx
(d) Louis Blanc

Question 2.
Tsarist power in Russia collapsed in the year
(a) 1905
(b) 1916
(c) 1917
(d) 1920

Question 3.
Tsarina Alexandra was of the
(a) German origin
(b) French origin
(c) Russian origin
(d) Dutch origin

Question 4.
Jadidists were ………………… within the Russian empire.
(a) Muslim reformers
(b) Muslim educationists
(c) Parsi reformers
(d) German refugees

Question 5.
The main occupation of the people of Russia in the beginning of the twentieth century was
(a) manufacturing
(b) poultry farming
(c) fishing
(d) agriculture

Question 6.
A Labour Party in Britain was formed by socialist and
(a) trade unionists
(b) peasants
(c) industrialists
(d) young students

Question 7.
The Central powers during the First World War included countries like Germany, Turkey and
(a) France
(b) Austria
(c) Britain
(d) Russia

Question 8.
The name associated with April Theses is
(a) Karl Marx
(b) Robert Owen
(c) Lenin
(d) Stalin

Question 9.
The successor of Lenin was
(a) Stalin
(b) Kerenskii
(c) Trotskii
(d) Louis Blance

Question 10.
Budeonovka was the name given to the Soviet
(a) boots
(b) coat
(c) scarf
(d) hat

Question 11.
Which among the following groups was against any kind of political or social change?
(a) Nationalists
(b) conservatives
(c) liberals
(d) radicals

Question 12.
Which of these statements is/are correct about Europe after the French Revolution?
(a) Suddenly it seemed possible to change the aristocratic society of the 18th century.
(b) However not everyone wanted a complete transformation of society.
(c) Some wanted gradual shift, while others wanted complete change of society.
(d) All the above

Question 13.
Which of the following factors made autocracy unpopular in Russia?
(a) The German origin of the Tsarina Alexandra
(b) Poor advisors like the Monk Rasputin
(c) The huge cost of fighting in the World War I
(d) Both (a) and (b)

Question 14.
How can you say that the ‘liberals’ were not ‘democrats’?
(a) They did not believe in universal adult franchise
(b) They felt that only men of property should have a right to vote
(c) Women should not have right to vote
(d) All the above

Question 15.
What kind of developments took place as a result of new political trends in Europe?
(a) Industrial Revolution occurred
(b) New cities came up
(c) Railways expanded
(d) All the above

Question 16.
Who conspired in Italy to bring about a revolution?
(a) Bismarck
(b) Karl Marx
(c) Giuseppe Mazzini
(d) None

Question 17.
What were the demands made by the workers in St. Petersburg who went on a strike?
(a) Reduction of working time to eight hours
(b) Increase in wages
(c) Improvement in working conditions
(d) All the above

Question 18.
In the World War I, which started in 1914, Russia fought against
(a) Britain and France
(b) Germany and Austria
(c) America
(d) All the above

Question 19.
Which of the following statements is/are correct?
(a) By 1916, railway lines in Russia began to break down
(b) There were labour shortages and small workshops producing essentials were shut down
(c) Large supplies of grain were sent to feed the army
(d) All the above

Question 20.
On 27th February 1917, soldiers and striking workers gathered to form a council called
(a) Soviet Council
(b) Petrograd Soviet
(c) Moscow Union
(d) Russian Council

Question 21.
Which of these demands is/are referred to as Lenin’s ‘April Theses’?
(a) World War I should be brought to an end
(b) Land should be transferred to the peasants
(c) Banks should be nationalised
(d) All the above

Question 22.
Who led the Bolshevik group in Russia during Russian Revolution?
(a) Karl Marx
(b) Friedrich Engels
(c) Vladimir Lenin
(d) Trotsky

Question 23.
Socialists took over the government in Russia through the?
(a) October Revolution in 1917
(b) November Revolution in 1918
(c) December Revolution in 1919
(d) February Revolution in 1920

Question 24.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the majority of Russian people worked in the:
(a) Industrial sector
(b) Agricultural sector
(c) Mining sector
(d) Transport sector

Question 25.
The commune of farmers was known as:
(a) Tsar
(b) Duma
(c) Mir
(d) Cossacks


Q26. Who were the people who wanted to put an end to the existing government in Europe in 1815?

A. Nationalists

B. Conservatives

C. Radicals

D. Liberals 


Q27. Industrialization did not lead to which of the following problems?

A. Poor wages

B. Long hours of work 

C. Liberalism 

D. Development of new industrialised regions


Q28. The majority reign in Russia was …….?

A. Russian orthodox church grown out of Greek church

B. Russian orthodox church 

C. Catholics Protestants, Muslims and Buddhists

D. B & C


Q29. In order to develop societies liberals and radicals believed …….?

A. In the value of individual effort

B. In the privileges of old aristocracy

C. That those who have capital should work in restraint

D. All


Q30. When was the socialist revolutionary party formed in Russia?

A. 1898

B. 1900

C. 1905

D. 1910



1. Karl Marx wanted workers to overthrow :

(a) capitalism

(b) rule of private property

(c) accumulation of profits by capitalists

(d) radicals


2. Which among the following groups was against any kind of political or social change?

(a) nationalists

(b) conservatives

(c) liberals 

(d) radicals


3. The people who wanted to put an immediate end to the existing governments in Europe (in 1815) were called:

(a) nationalists

(b) liberals

(c) revolutionaries

(d) radicals


4. Which of these statements is/are correct about Europe after the French Revolution?

(a) Suddenly it seemed possible to change the aristocratic society of the 18th century.

(b) However not everyone wanted a complete transformation of society.

(c) Some wanted gradual shift, while others wanted complete change of society.

(d) All the above


5. Industrialisation did not lead to which of the following problems?

(a) poor wages

(b) long hours of work

(c) liberalism

(d) development of new industrialised regions


6. The majority religion of Russia was ___________ but the empire also included _________

(a) Russian Orthodox Church, grown out of Greek Orthodox Church

(b) Russian Orthodox Church

(c) Catholics, Protestants, Muslims and Buddhists

(d) Both (b) and (c)


7. Which of the statements given about the Socialist Revolutionary Party is not true?

(a) The Socialist Revolutionary Party was formed by socialists active in the countryside

(b) They struggled for peasants’ rights and demanded that land from nobles be transferred to them

(c) They were one united group fighting for their rights

(d) Both (a) and (b)


8. According to the views held by the people of Europe regarding social change, they came to be called

(a) liberals

(b) radicals

(c) conservatives

(d) all the above


9. Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct regarding what the ‘liberals’ wanted?

(a) Not to tolerate all the religions

(b) To oppose uncontrolled power of dynastic rulers

(c) Universal adult franchise

(d) Government appointed by the king


10. What were the ideas of ‘conservatives’ regarding social change in the 19th century?

(a) They accepted that some change was required

(b) They believed that change should be done by a slow process

(c) They were completely opposed to any such change

(d) Both (a) and (b)


11. In order to develop societies, liberals and radicals believed

(a) in the value of individual effort, labour and enterprise

(b) in the privileges of the old aristocracy

(c) that those who had capital should work with restraint

(d) all the above


12. How can you say that the ‘liberals’ were not ‘democrats’?

(a) They did not believe in universal adult franchise

(b) They felt that only men of property should have a right to vote

(c) Women should not have right to vote

(d) All the above


13. What kind of developments took place as a result of new political trends in Europe?

(a) Industrial Revolution occurred

(b) New cities came up

(c) Railways expanded

(d) All the above


14. Who conspired in Italy to bring about a revolution?

(a) Bismarck

(b) Karl Marx

(c) Guiseppe Mazzini

(d) None of the above


15. Why did some liberals and radicals become revolutionaries in France, Italy, Russia etc.?

(a) They wanted to concentrate powers in their own hands

(b) They wanted to overthrow the existing monarchs

(c) They were against equal rights

(d) None of the above


16. When was the Socialist Revolutionary Party formed in Russia?

(a) 1898

(b) 1900

(c) 1905

(d) 1910


17. By the mid-19th century in Europe, the idea which attracted widespread attention on the restructuring of society was

(a) Capitalism

(b) Socialism

(c) Dictatorship

(d) None of the above


18. The procession of workers to the Winter Palace was attacked by the police killing

100 workers. This incident is called

(a) Black Sunday

(b) Bloody Sunday

(c) Rebellious Sunday

(d) Unlucky Sunday


19. Which of the following is true about the peasants of Russia?

(a) Except in a few cases, they had no respect for the nobility

(b) Peasants wanted the land of the nobles to be given to them

(c) Frequently they refused to pay rent and even murdered the landlords

(d) All the above


20. What were the demands made by the workers in St. Petersburg who went on a strike?

(a) Reduction of working time to eight hours

(b) Increase in wages

(c) Improvement in working conditions

(d) All the above


21. In the World War I, which started in 1914, Russia fought against

(a) Britain and France

(b) Germany and Austria

(c) America

(d) All the above


22. Why did the Tsar dismiss the first Duma within 75 days of its election?

(a) Because it was incapable of taking good decisions

(b) Because the Tsar did not want anyone to question his authority

(c) The term of first Duma was of 75 days only

(d) None of the above


23. What was the position of Russia’s army in Germany and Austria between 1914 and 1916?

(a) Russian army brought a lot of destruction in Germany and Austria.

(b) It killed a large member of people and was victorious

(c) Russian army lost badly

(d) None of the above


24. Why did the support of people to the Tsar for war gradually started decreasing?

(a) Because of rising prices

(b) Army was sick and tired of war

(c) Because Tsar Nicholas II refused to consult the main parties in Duma

(d) None of the above


25. Why did a lockout take place at a factory on the right bank of the River Neva on 22 February, 1917?

(a) It was extremely cold for the workers to work, because of frost and heavy snow

(b) The workers were being forced to join the army

(c) Food shortages were deeply felt in the workers’ quarters situated on the left bank of the River Neva

(d) Both (a) and (c)


26. In order to control the situation, the government called the cavalry. How did the cavalry react?

(a) The cavalry killed a large number of workers

(b) Most of the cavalry did not turn up due to extreme cold

(c) The cavalry refused to fire on the demonstrators

(d) None of the above


27. When did the government suspend the Duma?

(a) 25 February, 1917

(b) 26 February, 1917

(c) 27 February, 1917

(d) 28 February, 1917


28. Which of the following events took place after the Tsar abdicated on 2nd March?

(a) Provisional government was formed

(b) It was decided to set up a Constituent Assembly

(c) Constituent Assembly was formed by revolutionaries only

(d) Both A and B


29. On 27th February 1917, soldiers and striking workers gathered to form a council called

(a) Soviet Council

(b) Petrograd Soviet

(c) Moscow Union

(d) Russian Council


30. In the context of Russia who launched the slogan-‘‘Peace, Land and Bread’’?

(a) Chernov

(b) Rasputin

(c) Lenin

(d) Trotsky


31. When did the Tsar abdicate the throne?

(a) 28 February, 1917

(b) 2 March, 1917

(c) 10 April, 1917

(d) 15 May, 1918


32. In the context of Russia, which group was the supporter of women’s ‘Suffragette Movements’?

(a) Liberals

(b) Radicals

(c) Conservatives

(d) None of these


33. Why were most of the Bolshevik Party members initially surprised by ‘April Theses’?

(a) They wanted continuation of World War I

(b) They thought that time was not ripe for a socialist revolution

(c) Government needed to be supported at this time

(d) All the above


34. Socialists took over the government in Russia through the?

(a) October Revolution in 1917

(b) November Revolution in 1918

(c) December Revolution in 1919

(d) February Revolution in 1920


35. Who led the Bolshevik group in Russia during Russian Revolution?

(a) Karl Marx

(b) Friedrich Engels

(c) Vladimir Lenin

(d) Trotsky


36. In the context of Russia who launched the slogan-‘‘Peace, Land and Bread’’?

(a) Chernov

(b) Rasputin

(c) Lenin

(d) Trotsky


37. Who started ‘Collectivisation Programme’ in Russia?

(a) Lenin

(b) Karl Marx

(c) Rasputin

(d) Stalin


38. Which one of the following refers to the secret police of Russia?

(a) Cheka

(b) Gestapo

(c) Security Police

(d) F.B.I.


39. In the context of Russia, what was ‘KULAK’?

(a) A collective Farm

(b) A Russian Church

(c) Well-to-do Peasants

(d) Landless Labourers


40. After the abdication of Tsar Nicolas II in 1917, Soviet leaders and Duma leaders formed a:

(a) National Government to run the country

(b) Provisional Government to run the country

(c) Local Government to run the country

(d) Central Government to run the country


41. The Russian Social Democratic Workers Party was founded in

(a) 1898 by Socialists

(b) 1899 by Communists

(c) 1899 by Lenin

(d) 1899 by Middle Class


42. After 1905, most committees and trade unions were:

(a) declared illegal

(b) declared legal

(c) active

(d) none of the above


43. Russian peasants were different from other European peasants because:

(a) They had no respect for the nobility

(b) They pooled their land together

(c) They were not different

(d) both (a) and (b)


44. The Jadidists of Russia aimed that:

(a) Socialist should rule Russia

(b) Democrats should rule Russia

(c) Modernised Muslims should rule Russia

(d) Liberal Christians should rule Russia


45. At the beginning of the 20th century, the majority of Russian people worked in the:

(a) Industrial sector

(b) Agricultural sector

(c) Mining sector

(d) Transport sector


46. Which religion was followed by most of the peopleof Russia?

(a) Catholics

(b) Protestants

(c) Russian Orthodox Christianity

(d) None of the above


Question 1.
Who were Jadidist ?
(a) They were social reformers
(b) They were Revolutionary
(c) They were Christians
(d) The were Muslim reformers within Russian Empire.

Question 2.
What was the slogan of the Bolshevik Party which brought it into power in Russia ?
(a) All powers to the Soviets
(b) All powers to the Czar
(c) All powers to the Duma
(d) All powers enjoyed by middle class

Question 3.
Who were the Kulaks?
(a) Workers of Bolshevik Party
(b) Workers of Menshevik Party
(c) Group of army leader
(d) Well-to-do peasants

Question 4.
When did Russian Czar, Nicholas II resign?
(a) On March 3, 1917
(b) On Feb. 2, 1917
(c) On March 2, 1917
(d) On Feb. 4, 1917

Question 5.
Which of the following statements are true about Marfa Vasileva?
(i) She was a brave mill worker
(ii) She was a milling machine operator
(iii) She single handled organised a successful strike
(iv) She was a typical Russian housewife.
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (i) and (iv)
(c) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(d) All are correct.

Question 6.
Russia decided to withdraw from World War I because:
(i) People were demanding peace.
(ii) A civil war was going on in Russia.
(iii) Russia had lost lot of manpower.
(iv) It was against imperialism.
(a) (i) and (iv)
(b) (i) and (iii)
(c) All (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(d) All are not the correct reasons.

Question 7.
What was the status of Non- Russian nationalities before 1917 Russian Revolution.
(i) They had equal status
(ii) They were treated as inferiors
(iii) They were given equal rights
(iv) They were not allowed to practise their own language and culture
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (iii) and (iv)
(c) (ii) and (iv)
(d) (i) and (iii)

Question 8.
What are the features of the Communist International?
(i) It was formed to promote Socialist Revolution on an international scale.
(ii) It was decided the policies to be pursued and laid them down for worldwide acceptance.
(iii) The section of the socialist party which were more radical and progressive organised themselves into common interest
(iv) It was formally ended in 1943
(a) (i) and (iv) are correct
(b) (i) and (iv) are correct
(c) (i) and (iii) are not correct
(d) All are correct

Question 9.
Who started collectivisation?
(a) Lenin
(b) Czar II
(c) Stalin
(d) Rusputin

Question 10.
Who is the author of the book ‘The History of a Soviet Collective Farm’?
(a) Fedor Belov
(b) V.Sokalov
(c) S.D. Vidyalanker
(d) R.S. Avasthi

Question 11.
Socialist Revolutionary party of Russia was formed in:
(a) 1905
(b) 1911
(c) 1907
(d) 1900

Question 12.
Which of the following is not an Industrial area of Russia?
(i) St. Petersburg
(ii) Moscow
(iii) East London
(iv) Greenland
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (iii) and (iv)
(c) Only (i)
(d) Only (b)

Question 13.
Bloody Sunday incident occured in:
(a) 1905
(b) 1907
(c) 1911
(d) 1917

Question 14.
Why was the year 1904 bad for the Russian workers ?
(a) Industrial revolution replace manual work with machines.
(b) Price rose very high, it became very difficult for workers to make their both ends meet.
(c) Price fell down, as a result there was no shortage of food.
(d) Workers had to work for long time under harsh condition.

Question 15.
Which of the following country was not the part of central power?
(a) Russia
(b) Turkey
(c) Germany
(d) Austria

Question 16.
Four countries a, b, c, d are given below, identify which was not the part of Allies ?
(a) Britain
(b) France
(c) Germany
(d) Russia

Question 17.
The First World War was fought in between:
(a) 1914-1917
(b) 1914-1918
(c) 1904-1917
(d) 1914-1919

Question 18.
What was Duma?
(a) The elected consultative Parliament
(b) The title given to Czar
(c) The cabinet of Czar
(d) The groups Russian Revolutionary

Question 19.
How many Russian casualties were there by 1917 ?
(a) About 10 million
(b) About 9 million
(c) About 8 million
(d) About 7 million

Question 20.
The civil war in Russia broke out in……….and lasted till ………….
(a) 1918 – 1920
(b) 1918 – 1919
(c) 1917 – 1918
(d) 1911 – 1914

Write true (T) or false (F)

1. The radicals wanted a nation in which government was based on the majority of a country’s population.

2. Conservatives were not opposed to radicals and liberals.

3. Industrialisation brought men, women and children to factories.

4. Opposed to the privileges the old aristocracy firmly believed in the value of individual effort, labour and enterprise.

5. In France, Italy, Germany and Russia, some nationalists became revolutionaries and worked to overthrow the existing dictatorship.

6. Socialists were against private property, and saw it as the root of all social ills of the time.

7. Robert Owen, a leading French manufacturer sought to build a cooperative community called New Harmony in Indiana.

8. Karl Marx argued that industrial society was capitalist.

9. Metalworkers considered them-selves aristocrats among other workers.

10. In France, peasants wanted the land of the nobles to be given to them.

11. All political parties were illegal in Russia before 1914.

12. Some Russian socialists felt that the Russian peasant custom of dividing land periodically made them natural socialists.

13. The Socialist Revolutionary Party was formed in 1905.

14. Vladimir Lenin thought that in a repressive society like Tsarist Russia the party should be disciplined and should control the number and quality of its members.

15. The year 1904 was particularly a bad one for Russian nobles.

16. A procession of workers led by Falter Gapon, when reached the Winter Palace was attacked by the police and the cossacks.

Match the following


Column A Column B
(a) War broke out between two European alliances in A. 1916
(b) Railway lines began to breakdown by B. 25 Feb
(c) The government suspended the Duma on C. 1917
(d) Lenin returned to Russia from exile in D. 1919
(e) Formation of Comintern. E. 1914


Column I Column II Column III
1. Debates over Socialism (a) Democratic Workers Party A. 1850s to1880s
2. Formation of the Russian (b) Sunday B. 1917
3. The Bloody (c) 2nd March C. 24th October
4. Abdication of the Tsar (d) Petrograd on D. 1905
5. Bolshevik uprising in (e) in Russia were held in E. 1898

Fill in the blanks

1. The ……………. Party was renamed as the Russian Communist Party

2. When the Bolsheviks ordered land redistribution, the ……………. army began to break up.

3. During 1918 and 1919, the ……………. and ……………. controlled most of the Russian Empire.

4. In ……………., Bolshevik colonists brutally massacred local nationalists in name of defending …………….. .

5. Centralised planning led to ……………. growth.

6. After the death of Lenin, ……………. introduced firm emergency measures.

7. A bad harvest of 1930-33 killed about ……………. million people.

8. Many ……………. from outside the USSR participated in conference of the Peoples of the East.

9. Among those the Russian Revolution inspired were many ……………. .

10. Rabindranath Tagore wrote that ‘ ……………. appears much less clean than the other European Capitals’.