The Story of Village Palampur

 Question 1.

‘Bigha’ and ‘Guintha’ are

(a) the type of village house

(b) the type of hybrid seeds

(c) the measuring units of grain

(d) the measuring units of land area in village

Question 2.

Finance raised to operate a business is called

(a) labour

(b) enterprise

(c) land

(d) capital

Question 3.

Minimum wages for a farm labourer set by the government is

(a) ₹80

(b) ₹90

(c) ₹115

(d) ₹120

Question 4.

The Green Revolution introduced the farmers to

(a) cultivation of wheat and rice

(b) cultivation of green vegetables

(c) cultivation of sugar cane

(d) cultivation of forests

Question 5.

The small farmers constitute about _________ per cent of total farmers in India.

(a) 50

(b) 60

(c) 70

(d) 80

Question 6.

The new ways of farming need

(a) less land

(b) more capital

(c) machinery

(d) all of the above

Question 7.

The most abundant factor of production is

(a) labour

(b) land

(c) machinery

(d) all of the above

Question 8.

Multiple Cropping refers to :

(a) Cultivation of wheat and rice

(b) cultivation of two crops in alternate rows

(c) cultivating more than one crop on the same field each year

(d) cultivating crops and rearing animals on the same farm

Question 9.

Working capital stands for :

(a) Tools, machines and buildings

(b) raw materials and money in hand

(c) total share capital

(d) fixed deposits in financial institutions

Question 10.

Which one of the following is not an effect of the modern farming?

(a) Soil degradation

(b) Deforestation

(c) Decrease in groundwater

(d) Water pollution

Question 11.

How many families lives in Village Palampur?

(a) 150

(b) 250

(c) 350

(d) 450

Question 12.

Where do most of the small farmers borrow money to arrange for the capital in Palampur?

(a) Banks

(b) Co-operative Societies

(c) Village money lenders

(d) Friends and relatives

Question 13.

‘Operation Flood’ is related to :

(a) control flood

(b) produce fish

(c) milk production

(d) grain production

Question 14.

Consumption of chemical fertilisers is highest in which state of India?

(a) Punjab

(b) Haryana

(c) Rajasthan

(d) Himachal Pardesh

Question 15.

Scope of farming activity is limited in Palampur due to

(a) Fixed amount of land

(b) lack of irrigation

(c) lack of labour

(d) none of the above

Question 16.

Who is a person who puts together land, labour and capital?

(a) Moneylender

(b) Entrepreneur

(c) Zamindar

(d) Manager

Question 17.

High Yielding Variety (HYV) seeds are developed in

(a) Research institutes

(b) Factories

(c) Krishak Bharati Cooperatives

(d) None of the above

Question 18.

Which Kharif crop is used for cattle feed?

(a) Sugarcane

(b) Potato

(c) Jowar and bajra

(d) Wheat

Question 19.

Which of the following is a modern farming method?

(a) Multiple cropping

(b) Use of HYV seeds

(c) Use of chemical fertilisers

(d) Both (b) and (c)

Question 20.

Which area in India has a low level of irrigation?

(a) Deccan plateau

(b) Coastal regions

(c) Riverine plains

(d) Both (a) and (b)

Question 21.

Multiple cropping means growing

(a) only two crops

(b) only three crops

(c) upto four crops

(d) more than one crop

Question 22.

HYV seeds stands for

(a) Heavy yielding variety seeds

(b) High yielding variety seeds

(c) Half yielding variety seeds

(d) None

Question 23.

The minimum wages for a farm labourer set by the government is

(a) Rs. 50

(b) Rs. 60

(c) Rs. 70

(d) Rs. 80

Question 24.

Which of the following is fixed capital?

(a) Tools and machines

(b) Fertilisers and pesticides

(c) Soil

(d) Seeds

Question 25.

Which of the following is grown in the rainy season?

(a) Jowar and bajra

(b) Wheat

(c) Soyabean

(d) Rice

Suggested Activities

During your field visit talk to some farmers of your region. Find out:

What kind of farming methods—modem or traditional or mixed—do the farmers use? Write a note.

What are the sources of irrigation?

How much of the cultivated land is irrigated? (very little/nearly half/majority/all)

From where do farmers obtain the inputs that they require?

Fill in the Blanks

Among the three factors of production, we found that labour is the most abundant factor of production. There are many people who are willing to work as farm labourers in the villages, whereas the opportunities of work are limited. They belong to either landless families or

1. ______ They are paid low wages, and lead a difficult life In contrast to labour

2. ______ is a scarce factor of production. Cultivated land area is

3. ______ Moreover, even the existing land is distributed.

4. ______ among the people engaged in farming there are a large number of small farmers who cultivate small plots of land and live in conditions not much better than the landless farm labourer. To make the maximum use of the existing land, farmers use

5. ______ and

6. ______ Both these have led to increase in production of crops. Modem farming methods require a great deal of

7. ______ Small farmers usually need to borrow money to arrange for the capital, and are put to great distress to repay the loan. Therefore, capital too is a scarce factor of production, particularly for the small farmers. Though both land and capital are scarce, there is a basic difference between the two factors of production.

8. ______ is a natural resource, whereas.

9. ______ is man-made. It is possible to increase capital, whereas land is fixed. Therefore, it is very important that we take good care of land and other natural resources used in farming.