Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution

 Question 1.

The leader of the Bolshevik party was

(a) Stalin

(b) Lenin

(c) Karl Marx

(d) Louis Blanc

Question 2.

Tsarist power in Russia collapsed in the year

(a) 1905

(b) 1916

(c) 1917

(d) 1920

Question 3.

Tsarina Alexandra was of the

(a) German origin

(b) French origin

(c) Russian origin

(d) Dutch origin

Question 4.

Jadidists were ………………… within the Russian empire.

(a) Muslim reformers

(b) Muslim educationists

(c) Parsi reformers

(d) German refugees

Question 5.

The main occupation of the people of Russia in the beginning of the twentieth century was

(a) manufacturing

(b) poultry farming

(c) fishing

(d) agriculture

Question 6.

A Labour Party in Britain was formed by socialist and

(a) trade unionists

(b) peasants

(c) industrialists

(d) young students

Question 7.

The Central powers during the First World War included countries like Germany, Turkey and

(a) France

(b) Austria

(c) Britain

(d) Russia

Question 8.

The name associated with April Theses is

(a) Karl Marx

(b) Robert Owen

(c) Lenin

(d) Stalin

Question 9.

The successor of Lenin was

(a) Stalin

(b) Kerenskii

(c) Trotskii

(d) Louis Blance

Question 10.

Budeonovka was the name given to the Soviet

(a) boots

(b) coat

(c) scarf

(d) hat

Question 11.

Which among the following groups was against any kind of political or social change?

(a) Nationalists

(b) conservatives

(c) liberals

(d) radicals

Question 12.

Which of these statements is/are correct about Europe after the French Revolution?

(a) Suddenly it seemed possible to change the aristocratic society of the 18th century.

(b) However not everyone wanted a complete transformation of society.

(c) Some wanted gradual shift, while others wanted complete change of society.

(d) All the above

Question 13.

Which of the following factors made autocracy unpopular in Russia?

(a) The German origin of the Tsarina Alexandra

(b) Poor advisors like the Monk Rasputin

(c) The huge cost of fighting in the World War I

(d) Both (a) and (b)

Question 14.

How can you say that the ‘liberals’ were not ‘democrats’?

(a) They did not believe in universal adult franchise


(b) They felt that only men of property should have a right to vote

(c) Women should not have right to vote

(d) All the above

Question 15.

What kind of developments took place as a result of new political trends in Europe?

(a) Industrial Revolution occurred

(b) New cities came up

(c) Railways expanded

(d) All the above

Question 16.

Who conspired in Italy to bring about a revolution?

(a) Bismarck

(b) Karl Marx

(c) Giuseppe Mazzini

(d) None

Question 17.

What were the demands made by the workers in St. Petersburg who went on a strike?

(a) Reduction of working time to eight hours

(b) Increase in wages

(c) Improvement in working conditions

(d) All the above

Question 18.

In the World War I, which started in 1914, Russia fought against

(a) Britain and France

(b) Germany and Austria

(c) America

(d) All the above

Question 19.

Which of the following statements is/are correct?

(a) By 1916, railway lines in Russia began to break down

(b) There were labour shortages and small workshops producing essentials were shut down

(c) Large supplies of grain were sent to feed the army

(d) All the above

Question 20.

On 27th February 1917, soldiers and striking workers gathered to form a council called

(a) Soviet Council

(b) Petrograd Soviet

(c) Moscow Union

(d) Russian Council

Question 21.

Which of these demands is/are referred to as Lenin’s ‘April Theses’?

(a) World War I should be brought to an end

(b) Land should be transferred to the peasants

(c) Banks should be nationalised

(d) All the above

Question 22.

Who led the Bolshevik group in Russia during Russian Revolution?

(a) Karl Marx

(b) Friedrich Engels

(c) Vladimir Lenin

(d) Trotsky

Question 23.

Socialists took over the government in Russia through the?

(a) October Revolution in 1917

(b) November Revolution in 1918

(c) December Revolution in 1919

(d) February Revolution in 1920

Question 24.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the majority of Russian people worked in the:

(a) Industrial sector

(b) Agricultural sector

(c) Mining sector

(d) Transport sector

Question 25.

The commune of farmers was known as:

(a) Tsar

(b) Duma

(c) Mir

(d) Cossacks

26. Look at the picture (NCERT Text book page 30) given below and write a few lines about him