geo ch 4

 Question 1.

Which Of the following are primary activities?

(a) Agriculture

(b) Mining

(c) Fishing

(d) All of these

Question 2.

What is cultivation of grapes called’?

(a) Sericulture

(b) Viticulture

(c) Floriculture

(d) Horiculture

Question 3.

The important inputs like seeds, fertilisers, machinery etc form a system called as?

(a) Barter system

(b) Water system

(c) Farm system

(d) All of these

Question 4.

Type of farming to meet family needs is known as:

(a) Subsistense

(b) Mixed

(c) Organic

(d) None of these

Question 5.

Which of these is not commercial farming?

(a) Commercial Grain

(b) Mixed

(c) Organic

(d) Plantation

Question 6.

…………… is also knowh as a paddy

(a) Wheat

(b) Jowar

(c) Rice

(d) Bajra

Question 7.

Which of the following crops are raised in commercial grain farming?

(a) Wheat

(b) Maize

(c) Both of these

(d) None of these

Question 8.

Rubber plantation is famous in:

(a) Sri Lanka

(b) Brazil

(c) Malaysia

(d) USA

Question 9.

Which of the following are coarse grains?

(a) Jowar

(b) Bajra

(c) Ragi

(d) All of these

Question 10.

Which of the following country is a leading producer of rice?

(a) China

(b) Pakistan

(c) Malaysia

(d) Egypt

Question 11.

Which type of soil is good for growing wheat?

(a) Desert

(b) Loamy

(c) Sandy

(d) None of these

Question 12.

Which of these are Millets?

(a) Jowar

(b) Ragi

(c) Both of these

(d) Maize

Question 13.

Which fibre requires frost free days to grow?

(a) Cotton

(b) Jute

(c) Nylon

(d) None of these

Question 14.

Which of the following countries usually practice Commercial agriculture?

(a) U.S.A

(b) Bangladesh

(c) India

(d) Bhutan

Match the following

Column A Column B

(i) Organic farming (a) The practice of ploughing against the slopes on the hill

(ii) Mixed farming (b) In which organic materials and natural pesticides are used

(iii) Contour ploughing (c) In which herdsmen move place to place with their livestock

(iv) Nomadic herding (d) Farms, farms animals and farmers together

(v) Farming ecosystem (e) in which crops are raised and livestock are kept on the farm to have animal products

State whether true or false:

1. Extraction is an example of tertiary activity.

2. Cash crops are grown in subsistence farming.

3. Gathering is a primary activity.

4. Beverages are labour intensive crops.

5. Shifting agriculture is shifting of crops after a few years.

6. Mixed farming is a type of commercial farming.

Fill in the blanks:

1. Shifting agriculture is also known as ________

2. ________ , soil and climate are vital factors for agricultural activities.

3. Advertising is an example of ________ activities.

4. Jute is grown intensively in _________ and ________ .

5. Coarse grains are also called _______ .